The estimate was revealed by a study conducted by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) to calculate the value-creation potential and identify imperatives for Indian FinTech growth. The FinTech sector valuation of about USD 150-160 billion by 2025 means an incremental value-creation potential of around USD 100 billion.
Around 67 % of India’s FinTech have been set up over the last 5 years totalling the number to 2100. The estimated value ranges from USD 50-60 billion. The pandemic has not struck the industry badly as evident with the coming of three new Unicorns and five new Soonicorns (USD 500 mn valuation) since January 2020.
The industry would require investments to the tune of USD 20-25 billion till 2025 to satisfy this estimate. The number will more than double in the coming years. The industry’s strong growth is due to India’s customer demand, diverse capital flows, strong tech talent and policy framework.
Related services: India Desk Legal Services, Fintech Legal Services
To know more please check https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/indias-fintech-industry-valuation-estimated-at-150-160-billion-by-2025-report-101615635832124-amp.html