With the end of the Consultation period, the DFSA Board made several amendments after hearing from the Consultees. The DFSA force appointed the following Rulemaking Instruments:
- GENERAL MODULE (GEN) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT: Updated the General Module with a new Version. (Appendix 1 for amendments)
- CONDUCT OF BUSINESS MODULE (COB) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT: Updated the Conduct of Business (COB) module with a new version (Appendix 2 for amendments)
- ISLAMIC FINANCE RULES (IFR) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT: Updated the Islamic Finance Rules (IFR) module with a new version (Appendix 3 for amendments)
- COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT RULES (CIR) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT: Updated the Collective Investment Rules (CIR) with a new version (Appendix 4 for amendments);
- GLOSSARY MODULE (GLO) RULE-MAKING INSTRUMENT: Updated the Glossary Module (GLO) with a new version (Appendix 5)
The instruments and the detailed amendments can be seen in the “Amendments to Legislation” tab of the DFSA website. Earlier versions of the modules can be found in the archive.
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Source: https://dfsaen.thomsonreuters.com/rulebook/notice-amendments-legislation-october-2020