

April 12, 2021
SIAC signs MoU with ADGM Arbitration Centre

Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the ADGM Arbitration Center (ADGMAC) on April 8, 2021, to promote international arbitration for resolving international disputes. SIAC and ADGMAC will join hands to host conferences, workshops, and seminars on International Arbitration in UAE and Singapore. They will mutually help when arbitration hearings...

April 5, 2021
ADGM Registrations Authority and the Israeli Corporations Authority signed SoC to improve Relations

The ADGM RA and the Registrar of Companies in the Israeli Corporation Authority signed a Statement of Corporation (SoC) to improve business opportunities between both places and to facilitate their registration functions. The SoC will promote partnerships between Israeli and UAE businesses. Additionally, the pact will enable professional knowledge sharing and the possibility of give-and-take...

April 3, 2021
ADGM Regulatory Authority issues alert regarding fraudulent websites

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) warned the financial services community and public about the false claims made by Almena Financial Brokers and Abu Dhabi Financial Brokers on their respective websites. The Brokers claimed that they are given the authority by the FSRA. This gave a wrong notion that...

March 13, 2021
Abu Dhabi Global Market enacts Electronic Transaction Regulation 2021

ADGM enacted the Electronic Transactions Regulations 2021 to provide greater certainty for electronic dealings. As a result, ADGM’s regulatory framework is in line with international standards on e-commerce and electronic dealing. The objective is to confirm that electronic signatures, contracts, records and documents are legally valid as the traditional non-electronic versions. Related Services: General Corporate...

February 27, 2021

The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) launched new Data Protection Regulations (“the Regulations”) on 14th February 2020, replacing the 2015 version. The new regulations broadly align itself with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is considered to be the gold standard for data protection legislation. Key Features of The Regulations The new...

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