
Hiring in the ADGM

Contracts and Offer Letters requirements in ADGM

The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) is a financial–free zone in the UAE, which has its own regulations. Employment Regulations 2019 (the “Regulations”) is the law that deals with employment relates matters in the ADGM, and it applies to ADGM, its authorities, establishments and employees. Disambiguation: This article discusses ADGM employment laws. For DIFC labour...

ADGM Employment Regulations: A Quick Overview

Introduction and Legal Framework The Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”) is an international financial center located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (“UAE”). ADGM has its own legal framework, based on the English common law. Disambiguation: This article discusses ADGM employment laws. For DIFC labour laws, please refer to DIFC Employment Laws. For UAE Federal labour laws,...

Understanding Labour Laws in the UAE: A Comprehensive Guide

April 18, 2024by ATB Research Team0
The UAE’s labour law landscape is characterized by a general federal framework applicable throughout the Emirates, alongside distinct legal systems in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). Each system has its own unique regulations and procedures. Here’s a deep dive into the employment regulations in each of these...

Penalties Incurred Due to the Non-Compliance of Employment Regulations Under UAE Mainland

August 29, 2024by Hemakshi Prabhu0
The UAE has established a vigorous legal framework to maintain cordial, healthy relationships between employers and employees, aiming to protect both parties and maintain harmony in the working environment. Non-compliance with employment regulations in UAE Mainland can lead to harsh penalties, including fines, suspension of licenses, and even criminal charges in some situations. Below is...

Understanding DIFC Employment Permits

August 28, 2024by Hemakshi Prabhu0
The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) controls and targets a unique legal framework, which is completely different from the expansive intricacies of UAE labor laws. This training offers several types of employment permits modified for different working arrangements. Knowing these permits is essential for both employers and employees to ensure agreement and use up well...

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