

April 15, 2024
Leave Requirements in ADGM: A Comprehensive Guide

 The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) has emerged as a dynamic international financial center, known for its business-friendly environment and robust regulatory framework. One of the essential aspects that contribute to ADGM’s appeal is its approach to leave requirements, ensuring a balanced work-life equation for employees while promoting business continuity. In this article, we delve...

December 22, 2023
arbitrateAD: Abu Dhabi Heralds a New Era in International Arbitration

The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry has unveiled the Abu Dhabi International Arbitration Centre (arbitrateAD), a new international arbitration centre situated in Abu Dhabi. Starting February 1, 2024, the new governance framework and arbitration regulations will supersede those of the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre (ADCCAC). This significant development marks a...

December 12, 2023
Free Zones in the UAE: Exploring the Business Oases

Free Zones in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) has been a key factor showcasing the country as a global business hub, attracting investors and entrepreneurs from around the world. One of the key factors contributing to this success is the establishment of Free Zones, which serve as specialized economic zones offering a range of benefits...

October 11, 2023
Document requirements in ADGM for employers and employees

In the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), employment regulations are dealt with by the provisions of ADGM Employment Regulations 2019 (the “Regulations”), ADGM Employment Regulations (Engaging Non-Employees) Rules 2023 (the “Rules of 2023”), and ADGM Employment Regulations 2019 (Compensation Awards and Limits) Rules 2019 (the “Rules of 2019”). The usual practice is to develop an...

August 3, 2023
Hiring in the ADGM: Quick reference for recruiters, employers, and job seekers

  Hiring in the ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market) permits the following types of employees: interns, non-employees, outsourced individuals, secondees, and temporary freelancers. Here is a quick overview of the aspects to keep in mind while recruiting in ADGM: Read on to find the explanation of the above aspects: Disambiguation: This article discusses ADGM employment...

ADGM Employment Regulations: A Quick Overview

Introduction and Legal Framework The Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”) is an international financial center located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (“UAE”). ADGM has its own legal framework, based on the English common law. Disambiguation: This article discusses ADGM employment laws. For DIFC labour laws, please refer to DIFC Employment Laws. For UAE Federal labour laws,...

April 25, 2021
ADGM Financial Services Regulatory Authority launches Regulatory Framework for Authorization and Supervision of Fin-Tech

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of ADGM introduced a new framework for the authorization and supervision of third-party financial technology (FinTech) firms. Third-Party Providers (“TPPs”) are the intermediaries between customers and financial institutions. They help customers to make use of their data more effectively while conducting financial transactions. This new Regulatory Framework will parallelly...

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